CarTraffic Routes


Welcome to our interactive map of the proposals for HARP.

Using the zoom functions on the left-hand side of the map, you will be able to zoom in and out of specific areas to see more details.

By clicking on the building and car icons on the left, you will see a brief description of each part of the proposal and how this may impact the local area.

In this interactive map you will see outlined:

  • COMPOUNDS – Our main working areas that are needed for constructing the new tunnels and connecting to the existing water network
  • RED LINE BOUNDARY – This is the planning application boundary. Between the main compounds is a 24 metre corridor within which the new tunnel would be constructed underground. The areas within the red line boundary at the compound locations will be used for temporary activities including the storage of material and land re-profiling, access and parking, and environmental protection such as surface water lagoons
  • CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC ROUTES – The way our construction vehicles would travel to access our compounds
  • ROAD ALTERATIONS – Temporary road alterations along the construction traffic routes to facilitate the safe use of the local roads during our work

These plans were designed following a consultation that engaged thousands of people across Cumbria, Lancashire and Greater Manchester. Thank you to everyone that helped shape the future of water services in the North West.


  • Most of our work takes place below the ground with little long-term above ground impact
  • Once the Tunnel Boring Machine sets off it will run 24-hours a day. This will require some activities to be carried out during the night within the site compound area
  • All construction traffic will be limited to normal working hours which are between 7am – 7pm Monday to Friday and 7am – 1pm on Saturdays
  • During night-time working special lighting will be used that is directed towards working areas
  • Where there are public rights of way that interface with our temporary working areas, we would use crossing points to ensure they remain open

Bonstone compound (view in map)

  • This is where the Tunnel Boring Machine would finish constructing the Marl Hill section and be taken from the ground
  • Our work here will take around 18 months
  • Access to the site will be from the B6478 Slaidburn Road. We plan to construct a temporary access track here
  • We will work here during our normal hours, with a period of around eight weeks where we will need to work during the night

Braddup compound (view in map)

  • This will be our main working area for the Marl Hill section and is where construction for the new pipeline will start
  • Our work here will take around four years, with land reinstatement once completed
  • To support the Tunnel Boring Machine, we will need to work here continuously, 24 hours a day, for around two years during the construction works phase. This is expected to start from 2025 and will take place at the same time as tunnelling for the proposed Bowland section
  • Access will be from Slaidburn Road and along a one kilometre temporary haul road. This will avoid the need for our construction vehicles to use Cross Lane

Traffic Routes

Ribble Valley

  • Many of the vehicle movements for this work will be to take surplus material from the construction of the new tunnel off our site. This surplus material will be taken to Waddington Fell Quarry, reducing the number of vehicle movements
  • The increase of vehicle movements is expected to be around 10% more than usual. Most of those additional movements will be large construction vehicles
  • Most of the vehicle movements will take place when the Tunnel Boring Machines are constructing the Bowland tunnel and the Marl Hill tunnel, which need to be done at the same time. This work will last for around two years
  • Below is an indication of the additional vehicle movements needed to support our works relating to different parts of the road network;
    • Between the A59 and our access to the Braddup compound, typically between 3 and 9 vehicle movements per hour with a peak averaging up to 16 per hour
    • Between the access to the Braddup compound and Waddington Fell Quarry, typically between 5 and 15 vehicle movements per hour with a peak averaging up to 25 per hour
    • Between Waddington Fell Quarry and the access to the Bonstone compound, typically between 10 and 20 vehicle movements per hour with a peak averaging up to 35 per hour
    • Between the access to the Bonstone compound and the access to the Newton-in-Bowland compound, typically between 5 and 15 per hour with a peak averaging up to 30 per hour

Additional work to support construction traffic access

  • A series of road alterations are proposed to ensure the road network can safely accommodate larger construction vehicles
  • We may use other traffic management too, such as speed restrictions and traffic lights
  • Road alterations will involve junction modifications, creation of access points to our site, and widening of the road
  • All works which fall within the highway owned land will be retained by agreement
  • Any modifications which encroach on third-party land will be reinstated